How can you tell male vs female rosy boas?
Here are some reference photos to compare!
You'll need to look closely at the edges of your snake's vent. Male rosy boas have "spur" scales/bones that almost look like tiny, blunt cat claws. These are sometimes hidden, so you may need to move their skin around a bit to ensure that a spur isn't just hiding along the edge of the vent. Females will not have spurs, just a smooth "U" shaped vent.
Adult male rosy boa:

Adult female rosy boa:

Sexing Baby Rosy Boas
We tried sexing our 2023 babies after their first shed, but found it very difficult to identify male spurs. It was much easier after their second shed and they'd grown a bit!
The babies pictured here were ~3.5 months old / 25-30 grams.
