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Telos: Live Feeder Pricing
Prices listed here are for live feeders. If you're looking for frozen rodent feeders, head here ! Live Rodents Working on switching to...

Available Snakes
Updated 3/2/25 Rosy Boas PENDING Ghost San Felipe Rosy Boa - $400 2023 | Male | Produced here (Taffy x Sisal).Super mellow and reliably...

How to Sex Rosy Boas
How can you tell male vs female rosy boas? Here are some reference photos to compare! You'll need to look closely at the edges of your...

March 2024 Sales/Availability @ Telos Exotics
Hello Omaha customers! Here's an overview of what we have available currently and are expecting to have at upcoming events. Most...

African Clawed Frogs: Care Basics
A quick overview of ACF care essentials!

Baby Rosy Boa Care
This page is to help people get their new baby rosy boas set up at home. If you are bringing home a baby from us, hopefully this helps...

Project: Feeder Frogs & Feeder Toads
Why are we raising frogs and toads? We humans feed a wide range of animals to our pets, and eat a wide range of them ourselves. Just...

Omaha Area Exotic Vets
We've put together this reference to help hedgehog owners find good vets in this area, but many of the vets listed here will see and...

Fancy Rat Colors, Patterns, & Coat Types
Finding examples of gene combinations can be challenging - below are some examples showing phenotype/genotype across different traits....
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